About South Wiltshire Green Doors

South Wiltshire Green Doors has  been organised by Wilton Community Land Trust, working closely with other local organisations, including South Wiltshire Agenda 21 and the Civic Society. It has been supported by the Centre for Sustainable Energy,  Wiltshire Council, DECC and the EU SEACS project.

Established in April 2012, Wilton Community Land Trust (CLT) is the first locally led CLT in Wiltshire. It was set up by local volunteers to empower the local community to create long-lasting social, economic and environmental improvements. As well as developing projects such as South Wiltshire Green Doors and Ready for Life workshops, Wilton CLT was involved in the redevelopment of Erskine Barracks; a 13.5 hectare site on the edge of Wilton. Wilton CLT is a society with charitable rules under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965 and is registered (no. 31595R) with the Financial Services Authority (FSA).

Green Doors events have proved their popularity and effectiveness in stimulating action elsewhere in the UK, but the 2013 Wilton pilot was the first major event of this kind in Wiltshire. Two evaluation reports are now available. The feedback forms summary  analyses the forms completed by particpants during the weekend and online afterwards.  The appendix provides the detailed responses.   The evaluation report by Wilton Community Land Trust  draws on the experience of those most closely involved and  sets  out the lessons learnt for next time.


About South Wiltshire Green Doors

In partnership with….

In partnership with…. In partnership with…. In partnership with…. In partnership with….

Green Open Homes is funded by the Department of Energy and Climate Change and delivered by the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) in partnership with Bristol Green Doors.